Heavy duty elastic bands

Best choice to stabilise heavy loads and rigid materials. The heavy duty pallet elastics are made of rubber threads braided with a textile outer covering. Designed to withstand high forces, the FT60 range has a superior UV resistance and a high resistance to shear.



  • Multiflex™ flat elastic tape with black UV resistant natural rubber threads
  • Textile sheath woven and sewn with high strength UV resistant polypropylene
  • Best resistance to shear, wear, and U.V. of our pallet bands range
  • Highest ratio force / elongation
  • Reusable numerous times
  • Wide range of colors and color combinations: black, white, green, blue, grey, red, yellow, olive green

Specific applications

  • Stabilisation of heavy loads during transit
  • Securing barrels, plastic crates, and other solid loads
  • Suitable for outdoor use
  • Ask for our elastic assembling kit for testing and determining the ideal size for your needs


View catalog
Load weightPallet sizes cmColourCircumferenceWidthThicknessPackagingReference
Medium80 x 120 and 100 x 120Red2800 mm11 mm3 mm20 x 10 piecesFT6011140RE
Heavy80 x 120 and 100 x 120Blue3000 mm16 mm3 mm10 x 10 piecesFT6016150BL
Heavy80 x 120Grey3000 mm22 mm3 mm10 x 10 piecesFT6022150GI


Resistance to U.V.Good
Force when fitted on
a pallet of 80x120cm
FT6011140RE27 Newtons at 43% elongation
FT6016150BL35N at 33%
FT6022150GI45N at 33%
Force when fitted on
a pallet of 100x120cm
FT6011140RE34N at 57%
FT6016150BL40N at 47%
Break strengthFT6011140RE610N